UniBallast now Associate Member of BEMA

UniBallast is pleased to announce that it has been admitted as an Associate Member to the Ballastwater & Environmental Manufacturers Association (BEMA) as of March 2025.

The purpose of the Ballastwater & Environmental Manufacturers Association (BEMA or Association) is to provide manufacturers and service providers in the ballast water and environmental equipment market with leadership and a unified voice.

The Association works on behalf of its members to support all stakeholders at the International Maritime Organization and serves as a central point for regulatory agencies, shipowner associations, the testing community, and general public to obtain technical information on the effective use and application of equipment designed to reduce the environmental impact of shipping, including the treatment of ballast water and cleaning of ship’s hulls to prevent the transfer of aquatic invasive species by ships.

For more information on BEMA see Ballast Water Equipment Manufacturers Association (BEMA) - Home
