Meet our portable ballast water treatment containers. High flow rate, low power consumption. Based on filterless active substance, USCG/IMO approved BWT systems, reducing carbon footprint and cost per cubic meter. Ideal for ports (solving any non-compliance), barges, FPSOs, jack-ups, drill rigs and semi-subs.

UniBallast offers a wide range of containers with a built in or skid mounted ballast water treatment system. Standardized or fully customized to your specific needs. Making it a most flexible and mobile ballast water treatment solution for your vessel, barge or port.
Offering a good alternative for vessels lacking space to built-in a BWT system, if you haven’t decided yet on a specific system or for parties seeking full flexibility in light of their vessels or barges operational profile.

Ballast water treatment containers of UniBallast are compact, lightweight and have a high flow rate combined with low power consumption, ex-proof upon request.

Containers are mobile, can be placed on deck or alongside on a barge or quay side. Some skid mounted models fit an air plane for transportation to any destination in the world. Where ever you need ballast water treatment for your maritime operations. Highly suitable as temporary, mid and long term portable ballast water treatment facility. We will help you clear things up!

your vessel to
a portable
ballast water treatment system

Is easy via our Universal Ballast Water Port Connector (UBPC). For safe transfer of ballast water to any mobile treatment facility. Available in various sizes, so always matching the vessel’s normal discharge capacity. And reducing the investment for a built-in ballast water treatment significantly.

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